- Package / Case :
- 10-TFSOP, 10-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) (12)
- 10-TFSOP, 10-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) Exposed Pad (20)
- 10-WFDFN Exposed Pad, CSP (5)
- 100-LFBGA (4)
- 100-TQFP Exposed Pad (11)
- 128-LQFP Exposed Pad (5)
- 14-TSSOP (0.173", 4.40mm Width) (2)
- 140-BFBGA (13)
- 144-FBGA, FCBGA (2)
- 144-LFBGA (6)
- 144-LFBGA, CSPBGA (6)
- 144-LQFP (1)
- 16-TSSOP (0.173", 4.40mm Width) (43)
- 16-WFQFN Exposed Pad (62)
- 18-WQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (2)
- 192-LFBGA (3)
- 196-LFBGA (10)
- 196-LFBGA Exposed Pad (2)
- 198-LFBGA (1)
- 20-SSOP (0.154", 3.90mm Width) (4)
- 20-TSSOP (0.173", 4.40mm Width) (10)
- 20-WQFN Exposed Pad (6)
- 221-BFBGA (2)
- 24-SOIC (0.295", 7.50mm Width) (2)
- 24-SSOP (0.154", 3.90mm Width) (9)
- 24-SSOP (0.209", 5.30mm Width) (2)
- 24-TSSOP (0.173", 4.40mm Width) (2)
- 24-VFQFN Exposed Pad (3)
- 257-LFBGA (6)
- 28-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) (1)
- 28-SOIC (0.295", 7.50mm Width) (20)
- 28-SSOP (0.209", 5.30mm Width) (24)
- 28-WFQFN Exposed Pad (46)
- 292-BGA (8)
- 292-BGA Exposed Pad (9)
- 32-TQFP (27)
- 32-TSSOP (0.240", 6.10mm Width) (29)
- 32-VFQFN Exposed Pad (16)
- 32-VFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (8)
- 32-WFQFN Exposed Pad (46)
- 32-WFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (8)
- 323-LFBGA (1)
- 36-BSOP (0.295", 7.50mm Width) (3)
- 38-TFSOP (0.173", 4.40mm Width) (4)
- 40-WFQFN Exposed Pad (48)
- 44-LCC (J-Lead) (2)
- 44-QFP (21)
- 48-LQFP (85)
- 48-TQFP (3)
- 48-TQFP Exposed Pad (22)
- 48-VFQFN Exposed Pad (104)
- 48-VFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (24)
- 48-WFQFN Exposed Pad (34)
- 48-WFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (20)
- 52-WFQFN Exposed Pad (130)
- 56-LFQFN Exposed Pad (2)
- 56-VFQFN Exposed Pad (46)
- 56-VFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (3)
- 56-WFQFN Exposed Pad (24)
- 56-WFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (2)
- 60-WFQFN Exposed Pad (20)
- 64-BGA (6)
- 64-LFBGA (8)
- 64-LFBGA, CSPBGA (1)
- 64-LQFP (49)
- 64-TFBGA, CSPBGA (1)
- 64-TQFP (14)
- 64-TQFP Exposed Pad (51)
- 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad (211)
- 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (125)
- 64-VFQFP Exposed Pad (1)
- 64-WFQFN Exposed Pad (196)
- 64-WFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (9)
- 68-CLCC (4)
- 68-TQFN Exposed Pad (12)
- 68-VFQFN Exposed Pad (11)
- 68-WFQFN Exposed Pad (3)
- 72-VFQFN Exposed Pad (7)
- 72-VFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (5)
- 80-LQFP (8)
- 80-TQFP Exposed Pad (40)
- 88-VFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (2)
- Supplier Device Package :
- 10-LFCSP-WD (3x3) (5)
- 10-MSOP (4)
- 10-MSOP-EP (20)
- 10-VSSOP (8)
- 100-NFBGA (9x9) (4)
- 100-TQFP (14x14) (8)
- 100-TQFP-EP (14x14) (3)
- 128-HLQFP (20x20) (5)
- 14-TSSOP (2)
- 140-BGA (11.25x9) (13)
- 144-CSPBGA (10x10) (6)
- 144-FCBGA (10x10) (2)
- 144-LQFP (20x20) (1)
- 144-NFBGA (10x10) (6)
- 16-TQFN (3x2) (6)
- 16-TQFN (3x3) (3)
- 16-TSSOP (43)
- 16-WQFN (3x3) (53)
- 18-LFCSP-WQ (5x4) (2)
- 192-NFBGA (9x9) (3)
- 196-NFBGA (12x12) (12)
- 198-NFBGA (9x15) (1)
- 20-QSOP (4)
- 20-TQFN-EP (5x5) (6)
- 20-TSSOP (10)
- 221-PBGA (15x11.25) (2)
- 24-SOIC (2)
- 24-SSOP (9)
- 24-SSOP/QSOP (2)
- 24-TSSOP (2)
- 24-VQFN (4x4) (3)
- 257-BGA MICROSTAR (16x16) (6)
- 28-PDIP (1)
- 28-QFN (4x5) (38)
- 28-SOIC (20)
- 28-SSOP (24)
- 28-TQFN (5x5) (8)
- 292-BGA (27x27) (17)
- 32-LFCSP-VQ (5x5) (8)
- 32-LFCSP-WQ (5x5) (8)
- 32-QFN (5x5) (44)
- 32-TQFN (5x5) (2)
- 32-TQFP (5x5) (5)
- 32-TQFP (7x7) (22)
- 32-TSSOP (29)
- 32-VQFN (5x5) (16)
- 323-NFBGA (14x14) (1)
- 36-SSOP (3)
- 38-TSSOP (4)
- 40-QFN (6x6) (48)
- 44-MQFP (10x10) (21)
- 44-PLCC (16.59x16.59) (2)
- 48-LFCSP-VQ (7x7) (24)
- 48-LFCSP-WQ (7x7) (20)
- 48-LQFP (7x7) (51)
- 48-LQFP/48-TQFP (7x7) (34)
- 48-QFN (7x7) (24)
- 48-TQFN (7x7) (14)
- 48-TQFP (7x7) (3)
- 48-TQFP-EP (7x7) (22)
- 48-VQFN (7x7) (90)
- 48-VQFN-EP (7x7) (10)
- 52-QFN (7x8) (130)
- 56-HVQFN (12)
- 56-HVQFN (8x8) (5)
- 56-LFCSP-VQ (8x8) (3)
- 56-LFCSP-WQ (8x8) (2)
- 56-QFN (8x8) (24)
- 56-TQFN (8x8) (14)
- 56-VFQFPN (8x8) (7)
- 56-WQFN (8x8) (10)
- 60-WQFN (9x9) (20)
- 64-CSPBGA (8x8) (1)
- 64-HTQFP (10x10) (27)
- 64-HVQFN (9x9) (14)
- 64-LFCSP (9x9) (2)
- 64-LFCSP-VQ (9x9) (125)
- 64-LFCSP-WQ (9x9) (10)
- 64-LQFP (10x10) (39)
- 64-LQFP (12x12) (1)
- 64-LQFP (7x7) (9)
- 64-NFBGA (8x8) (14)
- 64-QFN (9x9) (194)
- 64-TQFP (10x10) (14)
- 64-TQFP-EP (10x10) (24)
- 64-VQFN (9x9) (198)
- 68-CLCC (24.13x24.13) (4)
- 68-QFN-EP (10x10) (4)
- 68-TQFN (10x10) (1)
- 68-TQFN-EP (10x10) (14)
- 68-VQFN (10x10) (7)
- 72-LFCSP (10x10) (2)
- 72-LFCSP-VQ (10x10) (3)
- 72-VQFN (10x10) (7)
- 80-HTQFP (12x12) (34)
- 80-LQFP (14x14) (8)
- 80-TQFP (12x12) (2)
- 80-TQFP-EP (12x12) (4)
- 88-LFCSP-VQ (12x12) (2)
- Sampling Rate (Per Second) :
- 1.25G (4)
- 1.25M (6)
- 1.3G (2)
- 1.5G (1)
- 1.5M (36)
- 1.6G (2)
- 100k (4)
- 100M (20)
- 105M (117)
- 10M (10)
- 116k (3)
- 120M (2)
- 125M (153)
- 130M (4)
- 150M (3)
- 155M (2)
- 160M (36)
- 16k (2)
- 170M (19)
- 175k (14)
- 17k (1)
- 1G (13)
- 1M (83)
- 2.2k (2)
- 2.7G, 5.4G (2)
- 200k (36)
- 200M (9)
- 20M (35)
- 210M (21)
- 216k (4)
- 22M (2)
- 246M (2)
- 250k (59)
- 250M (69)
- 250M, 500M, 1G (4)
- 256k (6)
- 25M (58)
- 28.6k (1)
- 28M (3)
- 2G (2)
- 2M (75)
- 3.125k (10)
- 3.2G (3)
- 3.6G (3)
- 300k (2)
- 300M (1)
- 310M (10)
- 32k (4)
- 32M (3)
- 330k (2)
- 34M (1)
- 350k (19)
- 357k (8)
- 370M (10)
- 3G (2)
- 3K (15)
- 3M (29)
- 4.2M (14)
- 400k (12)
- 400M (2)
- 40M (112)
- 455k (6)
- 456k (6)
- 45M (2)
- 4G (1)
- 500k (30)
- 500M (17)
- 50M (53)
- 520k (6)
- 52k (11)
- 550k (6)
- 5G (1)
- 5M (44)
- 6.25k (3)
- 600k (24)
- 60M (3)
- 625M (2)
- 630k (6)
- 64k (4)
- 650k (6)
- 65M (167)
- 666k (10)
- 66M (1)
- 670k (2)
- 680k (5)
- 6k (14)
- 6M (20)
- 7.5M (2)
- 700k (6)
- 70M (2)
- 730k (2)
- 750k (14)
- 750M (2)
- 800k (6)
- 800M (4)
- 80M (155)
- 820M (1)
- 8M (9)
- 900M (2)
- 901k (6)
- 96M (4)
- Data Interface :
- DSP, MICROWIRE™, Parallel, QSPI™, Serial, SPI™ (6)
- DSP, MICROWIRE™, QSPI™, and SPI™ (5)
- I²S (4)
- JESD204A (30)
- JESD204B (112)
- LVDS - Parallel (118)
- LVDS - Parallel, Parallel (226)
- LVDS - Parallel, SPI (54)
- LVDS - Serial (384)
- LVDS - Serial, Serial (39)
- LVDS - Serial, SPI (73)
- Parallel (439)
- Parallel, Serial (16)
- Parallel, SPI (2)
- Serial (2)
- SPI (231)
- SPI, DSP (86)
- SPI, Parallel (28)
- SPI, Parallel, DSP (8)
- Reference Type :
- Voltage - Supply, Analog :
- 0.93 V ~ 2.56 V (6)
- 0.95 V ~ 1 V, 1.71 V ~ 1.89 V, 2.44 V ~ 2.56 V (2)
- 1.05 V ~ 1.15 V, 1.8 V ~ 2 V (2)
- 1.1 V ~ 1.2 V, 1.8 V ~ 2 V (2)
- 1.14 V ~ 1.26 V (1)
- 1.15 V ~ 1.25 V, 1.7 V ~ 1.9 V, 2.85 V ~ 3.45 V (4)
- 1.15 V ~ 3.45 V (6)
- 1.22 V ~ 1.28 V, 2.44 V ~ 2.56 V (2)
- 1.25V, 2.5V (6)
- 1.65 V ~ 2 V (12)
- 1.7 V ~ 1.9 V (1244)
- 1.7 V ~ 1.9 V, 2.3 V ~ 3.5 V (14)
- 1.7 V ~ 1.9 V, 3.15 V ~ 3.45 V (12)
- 1.71 V ~ 1.89 V (9)
- 1.74 V ~ 1.9 V (16)
- 1.75 V ~ 1.9 V (4)
- 1.8 V ~ 2 V (49)
- 1.8 V ~ 2 V, 2.85 V ~ 3.6 V (5)
- 1.8 V ~ 2 V, 3.15 V ~ 3.45 V (7)
- 1.8V (9)
- 1.8V, 3.3V (2)
- 1.9 V ~ 2.1 V (2)
- 2 V ~ 5.5 V (6)
- 2.2 V ~ 3.6 V (6)
- 2.25 V ~ 2.75 V (56)
- 2.375 V ~ 2.625 V (9)
- 2.7 V ~ 3.3 V (12)
- 2.7 V ~ 3.4 V (112)
- 2.85 V ~ 3.4 V (90)
- 3 V ~ 3.6 V (276)
- 3.1 V ~ 3.6 V (4)
- 3.13 V ~ 3.47 V, 5V (184)
- 3.15 V ~ 3.45 V (2)
- 3.15 V ~ 3.6 V (46)
- 3.15 V ~ 3.8 V (4)
- 4.75 V ~ 5.25 V (39)
- 4.75 V ~ 5.5 V (3)
- 5V (547)
- 7.5 V ~ 38 V (24)
- ±1.65V, 2.2 V ~ 3.6 V (6)
- ±2.5V, 1.8V (1)
- ±5V (4)
- Voltage - Supply, Digital :
- 0.95 V ~ 1 V (2)
- 1.05 V ~ 1.15 V (2)
- 1.1 V ~ 1.2 V (2)
- 1.15 V ~ 1.25 V (10)
- 1.15 V ~ 1.25 V, 1.7 V ~ 1.9 V (1)
- 1.22 V ~ 1.28 V (8)
- 1.65 V ~ 1.95 V (33)
- 1.65 V ~ 3.6 V (50)
- 1.65 V ~ 5.25 V (10)
- 1.65 V ~ 5.5 V (60)
- 1.7 V ~ 2 V (24)
- 1.7 V ~ 3.5 V (10)
- 1.7 V ~ 3.6 V (32)
- 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V (4)
- 1.71 V ~ 5.25 V (6)
- 1.71 V ~ 5.5 V (5)
- 1.8 V ~ 3.6 V (6)
- 1.8 V ~ 5.25 V (4)
- 2 V ~ 3.6 V (2)
- 2.25 V ~ 3.3 V (6)
- 2.25 V ~ 3.6 V (19)
- 2.3 V ~ 3.6 V (8)
- 2.3 V ~ 3.6 V, 5V (4)
- 2.3 V ~ 5.25 V (18)
- 2.3 V ~ 5.5 V (8)
- 2.4 V ~ 3.6 V (14)
- 2.7 V ~ 3.6 V (225)
- 2.7 V ~ 3.6 V, 5V (18)
- 2.7 V ~ 5.25 V (159)
- 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V (68)
- 3 V ~ 5 V (11)
- 3 V ~ 5.25 V (29)
- 3.135 V ~ 3.465 V (1)
- 3.135 V ~ 5.25 V (2)
- 3.3 V ~ 5 V (4)
- 3.3V (1)
1863 products
IMAGE | PART NO. | PRICE | QUANTITY | STOCK | MANUFACTURE | DESCRIPTION | Series | Part Status | Packaging | Input Type | Operating Temperature | Features | Package / Case | Configuration | Supplier Device Package | Number of A/D Converters | Number of Bits | Sampling Rate (Per Second) | Data Interface | Number of Inputs | Reference Type | Voltage - Supply, Analog | Voltage - Supply, Digital | Ratio - S/H:ADC | Architecture | |
Ships today + free overnight shipping
NXP USA Inc. | ADC 14BIT SPI 105MSPS 64HVQFN | - | Active | Tray | Differential, Single Ended | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 64-VFQFN Exposed Pad | S/H-ADC | 64-HVQFN (9x9) | 2 | 14 | 105M | LVDS - Parallel, Parallel | 2 | External, Internal | 2.85 V ~ 3.4 V | 1.65 V ~ 3.6 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
NXP USA Inc. | ADC 14BIT DUAL 80MSPS 56HVQFN | - | Active | Tray | Differential, Single Ended | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 56-VFQFN Exposed Pad | S/H-ADC | 56-HVQFN (8x8) | 2 | 14 | 80M | JESD204A | 2 | External, Internal | 2.85 V ~ 3.4 V | 1.65 V ~ 1.95 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
NXP USA Inc. | IC ADC 14BIT SRL/SPI 56HVQFN | - | Active | Tray | Differential, Single Ended | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 56-VFQFN Exposed Pad | S/H-ADC | 56-HVQFN (8x8) | 2 | 14 | 125M | JESD204A | 2 | External, Internal | 2.85 V ~ 3.4 V | 1.65 V ~ 1.95 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Maxim Integrated | IC ADC 16BIT PAR 6CH 64TQFP | - | Active | Tray | Single Ended | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 64-TQFP Exposed Pad | S/H-ADC | 64-TQFP-EP (10x10) | 6 | 16 | 250k | Parallel | 6 | External, Internal | 5V | 2.7 V ~ 5.25 V | 1:1 | SAR | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Maxim Integrated | IC ADC 16BIT PAR 6CH 56TQFN | - | Active | Tape & Reel (TR) | Single Ended | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 56-WFQFN Exposed Pad | S/H-ADC | 56-TQFN (8x8) | 6 | 16 | 250k | Parallel | 6 | External, Internal | 5V | 2.7 V ~ 5.25 V | 1:1 | SAR | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Maxim Integrated | IC ADC 16BIT PAR 6CH 64TQFP | - | Active | Tape & Reel (TR) | Single Ended | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 64-TQFP Exposed Pad | S/H-ADC | 64-TQFP-EP (10x10) | 6 | 16 | 250k | Parallel | 6 | External, Internal | 5V | 2.7 V ~ 5.25 V | 1:1 | SAR | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Maxim Integrated | IC ADC 12BIT 40MSPS 68-QFN | - | Active | Tube | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 68-VFQFN Exposed Pad | S/H-ADC | 68-QFN-EP (10x10) | 4 | 12 | 40M | LVDS - Serial | 4 | External, Internal | 1.7 V ~ 1.9 V | 1.7 V ~ 1.9 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Texas Instruments | IC ADC 12BIT 4.0GSPS 292BGA | - | Active | Tray | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 292-BGA | MUX-S/H-ADC | 292-BGA (27x27) | 2 | 12 | 4G | LVDS - Parallel | 2 | Internal | 1.9 V ~ 2.1 V | 1.9 V ~ 2.1 V | 1:1 | Folding Interpolating | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Texas Instruments | IC ADC 12BIT 3.6GSPS 292BGA | - | Active | Tube | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 292-BGA Exposed Pad | MUX-S/H-ADC | 292-BGA (27x27) | 2 | 12 | 3.6G | LVDS - Parallel | 2 | Internal | 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1:1 | Folding Interpolating | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Texas Instruments | IC ADC 12BIT 3.6GSPS 292BGA | - | Active | Tray | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 292-BGA | MUX-S/H-ADC | 292-BGA (27x27) | 2 | 12 | 3.6G | LVDS - Parallel | 2 | Internal | 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1:1 | Folding Interpolating | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Texas Instruments | IC ADC 12BIT SRL 3.2G 2CH 292BGA | - | Active | Tube | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 292-BGA Exposed Pad | MUX-S/H-ADC | 292-BGA (27x27) | 2 | 12 | 3.2G | LVDS - Parallel | 2 | Internal | 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1:1 | Folding Interpolating | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Texas Instruments | IC ADC 12BIT 2/3.2GSPS 292BGA | - | Active | Tray | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 292-BGA | MUX-S/H-ADC | 292-BGA (27x27) | 2 | 12 | 3.2G | LVDS - Parallel | 2 | Internal | 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1:1 | Folding Interpolating | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Texas Instruments | ADC CONVERTER | - | Active | - | Differential, Single Ended | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 144-FBGA, FCBGA | MUX-ADC | 144-FCBGA (10x10) | 2 | 12 | 2.7G, 5.4G | JESD204B | 1, 2 | Internal | 1.05 V ~ 1.15 V, 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1.05 V ~ 1.15 V | - | Folding Interpolating | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Analog Devices Inc. | IC ADC DUAL 14BIT 68-CLCC | - | Active | Tray | Single Ended | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 68-CLCC | S/H-ADC | 68-CLCC (24.13x24.13) | 2 | 14 | 65M | Parallel | 6 | Internal | 5V | 3.135 V ~ 3.465 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Texas Instruments | IC ADC 12BIT SRL 1.6G 2CH 292BGA | - | Active | Tube | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 292-BGA Exposed Pad | MUX-S/H-ADC | 292-BGA (27x27) | 2 | 12 | 1.6G | LVDS - Parallel | 2 | Internal | 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1:1 | Folding Interpolating | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Analog Devices Inc. | DUAL 14BIT 1.3G SPS/1300MSPS ADC | - | Active | - | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 64-WFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP | S/H-ADC | 64-LFCSP-WQ (9x9) | 2 | 14 | 1.3G | JESD204B | 2 | Internal | 0.93 V ~ 2.56 V | 0.93 V ~ 2.56 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Texas Instruments | IC ADC 12BIT 2/3.2GSPS 292BGA | - | Active | Tray | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 292-BGA | MUX-S/H-ADC | 292-BGA (27x27) | 2 | 12 | 2G | LVDS - Parallel | 2 | Internal | 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1:1 | Folding Interpolating | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Texas Instruments | IC ADC 16BIT DUAL CHANNEL | - | Active | Tape & Reel (TR) | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 72-VFQFN Exposed Pad | S/H-ADC | 72-VQFN (10x10) | 2 | 16 | 1G | JESD204B | 2 | External | 1.8 V ~ 2 V, 2.85 V ~ 3.6 V | 1.7 V ~ 2 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Analog Devices Inc. | IC ADC 14BIT 1250MPS | - | Active | Tray | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 88-VFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP | S/H-ADC | 88-LFCSP-VQ (12x12) | 1 | 14 | 1.25G | JESD204B | 2 | Internal | 1.22 V ~ 1.28 V, 2.44 V ~ 2.56 V | 1.22 V ~ 1.28 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Analog Devices Inc. | IC ADC DUAL 12BIT 68-CLCC | - | Active | Tray | Single Ended | -55°C ~ 125°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 68-CLCC | ADC | 68-CLCC (24.13x24.13) | 2 | 12 | 40M | Parallel | 6 | Internal | 5V | 5V | - | Pipelined | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Analog Devices Inc. | IC ADC 14BIT 1250MSPS 64-LFCSP | - | Active | Tape & Reel (TR) | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 64-WFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP | S/H-ADC | 64-LFCSP-WQ (9x9) | 2 | 14 | 1.25G | JESD204B | 2 | External, Internal | 1.25V, 2.5V | 1.22 V ~ 1.28 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Analog Devices Inc. | IC ADC 14BIT 1250MPS | - | Active | Tape & Reel (TR) | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 88-VFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP | S/H-ADC | 88-LFCSP-VQ (12x12) | 1 | 14 | 1.25G | JESD204B | 2 | Internal | 1.22 V ~ 1.28 V, 2.44 V ~ 2.56 V | 1.22 V ~ 1.28 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
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Texas Instruments | IC ADC 14BIT DUAL 72VQFN | - | Active | Tray | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 72-VFQFN Exposed Pad | S/H-ADC | 72-VQFN (10x10) | 2 | 14 | 1G | JESD204B | 2 | External | 1.8 V ~ 2 V, 2.85 V ~ 3.6 V | 1.7 V ~ 2 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
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Analog Devices Inc. | IC ADC 14BIT 1000MSPS 64-LFCSP | - | Active | Tape & Reel (TR) | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 64-WFQFN Exposed Pad | S/H-ADC | 64-QFN (9x9) | 2 | 14 | 1G | JESD204B | 2 | External, Internal | 1.25V, 2.5V | 1.22 V ~ 1.28 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
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Texas Instruments | 4-CH 14-BIT 500MSPS ADC | - | Active | Tray | Differential | - | Simultaneous Sampling | 72-VFQFN Exposed Pad | S/H-ADC | 72-VQFN (10x10) | 4 | 14 | 1G | JESD204B | 4 | Internal | 1.1 V ~ 1.2 V, 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1.1 V ~ 1.2 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
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Texas Instruments | 4-CH 14-BIT 500MSPS ADC | - | Active | Tape & Reel (TR) | Differential | - | Simultaneous Sampling | 72-VFQFN Exposed Pad | S/H-ADC | 72-VQFN (10x10) | 4 | 14 | 1G | JESD204B | 4 | Internal | 1.1 V ~ 1.2 V, 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1.1 V ~ 1.2 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
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Analog Devices Inc. | IC ADC 14BIT 500MSPS CP7210 | - | Active | Tape & Reel (TR) | Differential | -40°C ~ 105°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 72-VFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP | S/H-ADC | 72-LFCSP (10x10) | 4 | 14 | 500M | JESD204B | 4 | Internal | 0.95 V ~ 1 V, 1.71 V ~ 1.89 V, 2.44 V ~ 2.56 V | 0.95 V ~ 1 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
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Texas Instruments | IC ADC 12BIT 1GSPS 292BGA | - | Active | Tray | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 292-BGA Exposed Pad | MUX-S/H-ADC | 292-BGA (27x27) | 2 | 12 | 1G | LVDS - Parallel | 2 | Internal | 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1.8 V ~ 2 V | 1:1 | Folding Interpolating | |||
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Analog Devices Inc. | IC ADC 14BIT 820MSPS 64-LFCSP | - | Active | Tape & Reel (TR) | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 64-WFQFN Exposed Pad | S/H-ADC | 64-QFN (9x9) | 2 | 14 | 820M | JESD204B | 2 | External, Internal | 1.25V, 2.5V | 1.22 V ~ 1.28 V | 1:1 | Pipelined | |||
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Texas Instruments | IC ADC 12BIT LVDS 2CH 196NFBGA | - | Active | Tape & Reel (TR) | Differential | -40°C ~ 85°C | Simultaneous Sampling | 196-LFBGA Exposed Pad | S/H-ADC | 196-NFBGA (12x12) | 2 | 12 | 750M | LVDS - Parallel | 2 | Internal | 1.7 V ~ 1.9 V, 3.15 V ~ 3.45 V | 1.7 V ~ 1.9 V | 1:1 | Pipelined |