- Features :
- 0.075" Dia, 1.65" Total Length, 1.00" Exposed Length (1)
- Cascade Pin (141)
- Cascade Pin, Mute, Zero-Cross Sense (6)
- Cascade Pin, able Address (27)
- Mute (8)
- Mute, able Address (97)
- Mute, able Address, Zero-Cross Sense (10)
- Mute, Zero-Cross Sense (8)
- able Address (986)
- able Address, Temperature Sensor (22)
- Temperature Sensor (8)
- Package / Case :
- 10-TFSOP, 10-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) (193)
- 10-UFQFN (30)
- 10-VFDFN Exposed Pad (32)
- 10-WFDFN Exposed Pad (8)
- 10-WFDFN Exposed Pad, CSP (14)
- 14-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width) (36)
- 14-TSSOP (0.173", 4.40mm Width) (342)
- 14-WFBGA, FCBGA (4)
- 14-WFDFN Exposed Pad (1)
- 14-XFQFN (1)
- 16-LBGA, CSPBGA (21)
- 16-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width) (14)
- 16-SOIC (0.295", 7.50mm Width) (88)
- 16-SSOP (0.154", 3.90mm Width) (5)
- 16-TQFN Exposed Pad (10)
- 16-TSSOP (0.173", 4.40mm Width) (48)
- 16-UFQFN (24)
- 16-VQFN Exposed Pad (32)
- 16-WFQFN Exposed Pad (27)
- 16-WFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (16)
- 16-WQFN Exposed Pad (11)
- 16-WQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (2)
- 20-SOIC (0.295", 7.50mm Width) (46)
- 20-TSSOP (0.173", 4.40mm Width) (153)
- 20-VFQFN Exposed Pad (56)
- 20-VQFN Exposed Pad (22)
- 20-WFQFN Exposed Pad (4)
- 24-SOIC (0.295", 7.50mm Width) (210)
- 24-TSSOP (0.173", 4.40mm Width) (129)
- 24-WFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (4)
- 32-VFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP (2)
- 5-TSSOP, SC-70-5, SOT-353 (19)
- 6-LSOJ (0.148", 3.76mm Width) (1)
- 6-TSSOP, SC-88, SOT-363 (81)
- 6-XBGA, FCBGA (1)
- 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width) (257)
- 8-SOIC (0.209", 5.30mm Width) (10)
- 8-TSSOP (0.173", 4.40mm Width) (51)
- 8-TSSOP, 8-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) (270)
- 8-UFDFN Exposed Pad, CSP (41)
- 8-UFQFN (1)
- 8-VDFN Exposed Pad (64)
- 8-VFDFN Exposed Pad (9)
- 8-WDFN Exposed Pad (37)
- 8-WFDFN (1)
- 8-WFDFN Exposed Pad (11)
- SC-74A, SOT-753 (19)
- SOT-23-6 Thin, TSOT-23-6 (12)
- SOT-23-8 (94)
- SOT-23-8 Thin, TSOT-23-8 (14)
- TO-226-3, TO-92-3 (TO-226AA) (Formed Leads) (1)
- Configuration :
- Supplier Device Package :
- 10-DFN (3x3) (32)
- 10-LFCSP-WD (3x3) (14)
- 10-MSOP (170)
- 10-TDFN-EP (3x3) (8)
- 10-uMAX (23)
- 10-UTQFN (2.1x1.6) (30)
- 14-FlipChip (2.11x2.34) (4)
- 14-QFN (2x2) (1)
- 14-SOIC (36)
- 14-TDFN-EP (3x3) (1)
- 14-TSSOP (342)
- 16-CSBGA (4x4) (21)
- 16-LFCSP-WQ (3x3) (16)
- 16-LFCSP-WQ (5x5) (2)
- 16-QFN (4x4) (10)
- 16-QFN-EP (4x4) (32)
- 16-QSOP (5)
- 16-SO (13)
- 16-SOIC (89)
- 16-TQFN (3x3) (26)
- 16-TQFN (4x4) (5)
- 16-TQFN (5x5) (6)
- 16-TSSOP (48)
- 16-UTQFN (2.6x1.8) (24)
- 16-WQFN (3x3) (1)
- 20-QFN (3x4) (24)
- 20-QFN (4x4) (12)
- 20-QFN (5x5) (16)
- 20-QFN-EP (4x4) (20)
- 20-QFN-EP (5x5) (6)
- 20-SOIC (46)
- 20-TQFN (4x4) (4)
- 20-TSSOP (153)
- 24-LFCSP-WQ (4x4) (4)
- 24-SOIC (210)
- 24-TSSOP (129)
- 32-LFCSP-VQ (5x5) (2)
- 6-FlipChip (2.82x2.54) (1)
- 6-TSOC (1)
- 8-DFN (2x3) (8)
- 8-DFN-EP (3x3) (64)
- 8-LFCSP-UD (2x2) (41)
- 8-MSOP (241)
- 8-SOIC (267)
- 8-TDFN (2.5x2.0) (2)
- 8-TDFN (2x3) (4)
- 8-TDFN (3x3) (15)
- 8-TDFN-EP (2x2) (6)
- 8-TDFN-EP (3x3) (22)
- 8-TSSOP (51)
- 8-uDFN (2x2) (1)
- 8-uMAX (29)
- 8-UQFN (1.5x1.5) (1)
- SC-70 (11)
- SC-70-5 (19)
- SC-70-6 (69)
- SC-88/SC70-6/SOT-363 (1)
- SOT-23-5 (19)
- SOT-23-6 (88)
- TO-92-3 (1)
- TSOT-23-6 (10)
- TSOT-23-8 (14)
- Voltage - Supply :
- 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V (144)
- 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V (15)
- 1.8 V ~ 5.5 V (455)
- 1.8 V ~ 5.5 V, 10 V ~ 36 V, ±5V ~ 18 V (32)
- 1.8 V ~ 5.5 V, 2.3 V ~ 5.5 V (21)
- 10 V ~ 30 V, ±5 V ~ 15 V (4)
- 12 V ~ 15 V, ±12 V ~ 15 V (5)
- 2.25 V ~ 5.5 V (9)
- 2.3 V ~ 5.5 V (20)
- 2.3 V ~ 5.5 V, ±2.25 V ~ 2.75 V (26)
- 2.4 V ~ 5.5 V (4)
- 2.5 V ~ 5.5 V (15)
- 2.5 V ~ 5.5 V, 4.5 V ~ 15.5 V (2)
- 2.5 V ~ 6 V (91)
- 2.6 V ~ 5.5 V (12)
- 2.7 V ~ 3.3 V (3)
- 2.7 V ~ 3.3 V, 5V (13)
- 2.7 V ~ 3.6 V (3)
- 2.7 V ~ 5 V, ±2.25 V ~ 2.75 V (3)
- 2.7 V ~ 5.25 V (47)
- 2.7 V ~ 5.25 V, ±2.5 V ~ 5.25 V (14)
- 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V (769)
- 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V, 4.5 V ~ 15.5 V (3)
- 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V, 8 V ~ 16 V (4)
- 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V, ±2.2 V ~ 2.7 V (6)
- 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V, ±2.25 V ~ 2.75 V (44)
- 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V, ±2.3 V ~ 2.7 V (47)
- 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V, ±2.5 V ~ 2.75 V (25)
- 2.8 V ~ 6 V (3)
- 2.85 V ~ 5.5 V (18)
- 3 V ~ 3.6 V (4)
- 3 V ~ 5.5 V (45)
- 4.5 V ~ 13.2 V, 5V (2)
- 4.5 V ~ 16.5 V, ±4.5 V ~ 7.5 V (4)
- 4.5 V ~ 16.5 V, ±5V (17)
- 4.5 V ~ 33 V, ±4.5 V ~ 16.5 V (6)
- 4.5 V ~ 7 V (2)
- 5V (368)
- 5V, ±5V (6)
- 9 V ~ 33 V, ±9 V ~ 16.5 V (6)
- ±15V, 30V (1)
- ±2.25 V ~ 5.5 V (23)
- ±2.5 V ~ 4 V (1)
- ±2.7 V ~ 5.5 V (122)
- ±2.7 V ~ 8 V (6)
- ±4.5 V ~ 8 V (4)
- ±5V (101)
- Memory Type :
- Resistance (Ohms) :
- 1.45k, 2.54k (1)
- 100k (556)
- 10k (833)
- 10k, 90k (2)
- 12.5k (4)
- 15k (7)
- 16.5k (1)
- 18.5k (2)
- 1K (61)
- 1M (6)
- 2.1k (12)
- 2.5k (103)
- 200k (16)
- 20k (24)
- 20k, 10k, 20k (1)
- 20k, 30k, 50k (1)
- 22k (2)
- 24k (1)
- 250k (2)
- 25k (3)
- 2K (14)
- 2k, 10k, 10k, 50k (10)
- 30k (6)
- 30k, 50k (1)
- 32k (8)
- 33k (2)
- 45k (16)
- 50k (712)
- 57k (5)
- 5K (146)
- 80k (17)
- Temperature Coefficient (Typ) :
- -300 ppm/°C (6)
- -35 ppm/°C (2)
- 100 ppm/°C (32)
- 123 ppm/°C (2)
- 125 ppm/°C (32)
- 132 ppm/°C (1)
- 150 ppm/°C (482)
- 173 ppm/°C (1)
- 175 ppm/°C (16)
- 200 ppm/°C (32)
- 22 ppm/°C (4)
- 30 ppm/°C (36)
- 300 ppm/°C (75)
- 35 ppm/°C (275)
- 45 ppm/°C (70)
- 5 ppm/°C (18)
- 50 ppm/°C (43)
- 500 ppm/°C (51)
- 550 ppm/°C (1)
- 60 ppm/°C (1)
- 600 ppm/°C (14)
- 65 ppm/°C (32)
- 650 ppm/°C (28)
- 70 ppm/°C (25)
- 700 ppm/°C (32)
- 750 ppm/°C (132)
- 800 ppm/°C (31)
- 85 ppm/°C (16)
- 850 ppm/°C (13)
- 90 ppm/°C (9)
- 92 ppm/°C (3)
- ±10 ppm/°C (3)
- ±100 ppm/°C (14)
- ±125 ppm/°C (4)
- ±150 ppm/°C (1)
- ±250 ppm/°C (4)
- ±30 ppm/°C (17)
- ±300 ppm/°C (785)
- ±340ppm/°C (2)
- ±35 ppm/°C (57)
- ±4 ppm/°C (5)
- ±400 ppm/°C (6)
- ±45 ppm/°C (56)
- ±50 ppm/°C (35)
- ±600 ppm/°C (23)
- ±80 ppm/°C (25)
- ±85 ppm/°C (8)
- Resistance - Wiper (Ohms) (Typ) :
- 100 (217)
- 1000 (10)
- 1000 (Max) (16)
- 110 (4)
- 1100 (Max) (8)
- 125 (6)
- 130 (24)
- 14 (5)
- 145 (32)
- 15 (3)
- 150 (186)
- 150 (Max) (39)
- 155 (28)
- 160 (50)
- 175 (12)
- 200 (217)
- 200 (Max) (9)
- 220 (Max) (16)
- 225 (6)
- 25 (12)
- 250 (29)
- 250 (Max) (16)
- 260 (4)
- 275 (7)
- 300 (2)
- 300 (Max) (54)
- 325 (33)
- 35 (26)
- 350 (6)
- 40 (278)
- 400 (220)
- 400 (Max) (4)
- 420 (Max) (1)
- 45 (5)
- 50 (98)
- 500 (19)
- 5000 (2)
- 5000 (Max) (3)
- 55 (13)
- 580 (12)
- 60 (63)
- 600 (41)
- 610 (9)
- 70 (341)
- 73 (6)
- 75 (419)
- 80 (32)
- 85 (12)
- 900 (16)
- Applied Filters :
2575 products
IMAGE | PART NO. | PRICE | QUANTITY | STOCK | MANUFACTURE | DESCRIPTION | Series | Part Status | Packaging | Operating Temperature | Tolerance | Features | Package / Case | Interface | Configuration | Supplier Device Package | Number of Circuits | Voltage - Supply | Memory Type | Resistance (Ohms) | Taper | Number of Taps | Temperature Coefficient (Typ) | Resistance - Wiper (Ohms) (Typ) | |
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Intersil | IC DGTL POT QUAD 50K 20QFN | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | - | 20-VFQFN Exposed Pad | SPI | Potentiometer | 20-QFN (3x4) | 4 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 50k | Linear | 256 | 65 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
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Intersil | IC DGTL POT QUAD 100K 20TSSOP | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | - | 20-TSSOP (0.173", 4.40mm Width) | SPI | Potentiometer | 20-TSSOP | 4 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 100k | Linear | 256 | 45 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Intersil | IC DGTL POT QUAD 100K 20QFN | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | - | 20-VFQFN Exposed Pad | SPI | Potentiometer | 20-QFN (3x4) | 4 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 100k | Linear | 256 | 45 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Intersil | IC DGTL POT 256POS 10K 10TQFN | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | - | 10-UFQFN | SPI | Potentiometer | 10-UTQFN (2.1x1.6) | 1 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 10k | Linear | 256 | 175 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Intersil | IC DGTL POT 256POS 50K 10TQFN | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | - | 10-TFSOP, 10-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) | SPI | Potentiometer | 10-MSOP | 1 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 50k | Linear | 256 | 85 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Intersil | IC DGTL POT 256POS 50K 10TQFN | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | - | 10-UFQFN | SPI | Potentiometer | 10-UTQFN (2.1x1.6) | 1 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 50k | Linear | 256 | 85 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Intersil | IC DGTL POT 256POS 10K 10TQFN | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | able Address | 10-UFQFN | I²C | Potentiometer | 10-UTQFN (2.1x1.6) | 1 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 10k | Linear | 256 | 175 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Intersil | IC DGTL POT 256POS 50K 10MSOP | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | able Address | 10-TFSOP, 10-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) | I²C | Potentiometer | 10-MSOP | 1 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 50k | Linear | 256 | 85 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Intersil | IC DGTL POT 256POS 50K 10TQFN | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | able Address | 10-UFQFN | I²C | Potentiometer | 10-UTQFN (2.1x1.6) | 1 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 50k | Linear | 256 | 85 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
ON Semiconductor | IC POT DPP NV 32TAP U/D 8TSSOP | - | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 85°C | ±20% | - | 8-TSSOP (0.173", 4.40mm Width) | Up/Down (U/D, INC, CS) | Potentiometer | 8-TSSOP | 1 | 2.5 V ~ 6 V | Non-Volatile | 100k | Linear | 32 | 300 ppm/°C | 150 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
ON Semiconductor | IC POT DPP NV 32TAP U/D 8TDFN | - | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 85°C | ±20% | - | 8-WFDFN Exposed Pad | Up/Down (U/D, INC, CS) | Potentiometer | 8-TDFN (2x3) | 1 | 2.5 V ~ 6 V | Non-Volatile | 10k | Linear | 32 | 300 ppm/°C | 150 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Analog Devices Inc. | IC RHEOSTAT 5V 50-TP 256 10LFCSP | - | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±1% | Cascade Pin | 10-WFDFN Exposed Pad, CSP | SPI | Rheostat | 10-LFCSP-WD (3x3) | 1 | 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V, ±2.5 V ~ 2.75 V | Non-Volatile | 100k | Linear | 256 | 5 ppm/°C | 35 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Maxim Integrated | IC POT DGTL LOW PWR SOT23-6 | - | Active | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 85°C | ±25% | - | SOT-23-6 Thin, TSOT-23-6 | Up/Down (U/D, INC, CS) | Rheostat | TSOT-23-6 | 1 | 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 50k | Linear | 32 | 50 ppm/°C | 400 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Intersil | IC DGTL POT 256POS 10K 10TQFN | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | - | 10-UFQFN | SPI | Potentiometer | 10-UTQFN (2.1x1.6) | 1 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 10k | Linear | 256 | 175 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Intersil | IC DGTL POT 256POS 50K 10TQFN | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | - | 10-TFSOP, 10-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) | SPI | Potentiometer | 10-MSOP | 1 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 50k | Linear | 256 | 85 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Intersil | IC DGTL POT 256POS 50K 10TQFN | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | - | 10-UFQFN | SPI | Potentiometer | 10-UTQFN (2.1x1.6) | 1 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 50k | Linear | 256 | 85 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Intersil | IC DGTL POT 256POS 10K 10TQFN | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | able Address | 10-UFQFN | I²C | Potentiometer | 10-UTQFN (2.1x1.6) | 1 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 10k | Linear | 256 | 175 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Intersil | IC DGTL POT 256POS 50K 10MSOP | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | able Address | 10-TFSOP, 10-MSOP (0.118", 3.00mm Width) | I²C | Potentiometer | 10-MSOP | 1 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 50k | Linear | 256 | 85 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Intersil | IC DGTL POT 256POS 50K 10TQFN | XDCP™ | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | able Address | 10-UFQFN | I²C | Potentiometer | 10-UTQFN (2.1x1.6) | 1 | 1.2 V ~ 5.5 V, 1.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 50k | Linear | 256 | 85 ppm/°C | 70 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
ams | IC POT DGTL 10K SERIAL 16TQFN | - | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 85°C | ±25% | Mute | 16-WFQFN Exposed Pad | SPI | Potentiometer | 16-TQFN (3x3) | 2 | 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Non-Volatile | 10k | Linear | 256 | 90 ppm/°C | 200 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
ams | IC POT DGTL 10K SERIAL 8TDFN | - | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 85°C | ±25% | - | 8-WDFN Exposed Pad | SPI | Potentiometer | 8-TDFN (3x3) | 1 | 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Non-Volatile | 10k | Linear | 256 | 90 ppm/°C | 200 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
ams | IC POT DGTL 100K SERIAL 16TQFN | - | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 85°C | ±25% | Mute | 16-WFQFN Exposed Pad | SPI | Potentiometer | 16-TQFN (3x3) | 2 | 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Non-Volatile | 100k | Linear | 256 | 90 ppm/°C | 200 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
ams | IC POT DGTL 50K SERIAL 8TDFN | - | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 85°C | ±25% | - | 8-WDFN Exposed Pad | SPI | Potentiometer | 8-TDFN (3x3) | 1 | 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Non-Volatile | 50k | Linear | 256 | 90 ppm/°C | 200 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
ams | IC POT DGTL 100K SERIAL 8TDFN | - | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 85°C | ±25% | - | 8-WDFN Exposed Pad | SPI | Potentiometer | 8-TDFN (3x3) | 1 | 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Non-Volatile | 100k | Linear | 256 | 90 ppm/°C | 200 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
ams | IC POT DGTL 50K SERIAL 16TQFN | - | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 85°C | ±25% | Mute | 16-WFQFN Exposed Pad | SPI | Potentiometer | 16-TQFN (3x3) | 2 | 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Non-Volatile | 50k | Linear | 256 | 90 ppm/°C | 200 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Analog Devices Inc. | IC POT DGTL 50K 64POS SOT23 | - | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 105°C | ±30% | able Address | SOT-23-8 | I²C | Potentiometer | SOT-23-8 | 1 | 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V | OTP | 50k | Linear | 64 | 300 ppm/°C | 60 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Analog Devices Inc. | IC POT DGTL 100K 128POS SC70-6 | - | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 125°C | ±20% | - | 6-TSSOP, SC-88, SOT-363 | I²C | Rheostat | SC-70-6 | 1 | 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V | Volatile | 100k | Linear | 128 | 45 ppm/°C | 75 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Analog Devices Inc. | IC DCP DUAL 100K 64POS 14TSSOP | - | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 105°C | ±20% | able Address | 14-TSSOP (0.173", 4.40mm Width) | I²C | Potentiometer | 14-TSSOP | 2 | 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V, ±2.25 V ~ 2.75 V | Non-Volatile | 100k | Linear | 64 | 650 ppm/°C | 200 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Analog Devices Inc. | IC DGTL POT 6CH 256POS 24-TSSOP | - | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 85°C | ±30% | able Address | 24-TSSOP (0.173", 4.40mm Width) | SPI | Potentiometer | 24-TSSOP | 6 | 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V, ±2.3 V ~ 2.7 V | Volatile | 50k | Linear | 256 | 700 ppm/°C | 50 | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Analog Devices Inc. | IC DGTL POT 6CH 256POS 24-SOIC | - | Obsolete | Tape & Reel (TR) | -40°C ~ 85°C | ±30% | able Address | 24-SOIC (0.295", 7.50mm Width) | SPI | Potentiometer | 24-SOIC | 6 | 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V, ±2.3 V ~ 2.7 V | Volatile | 100k | Linear | 256 | 700 ppm/°C | 50 |