- Series :
- 1M (3)
- 1S (2)
- 2000 (42)
- 2600 (7)
- 4000 (41)
- 47A (26)
- 47B (11)
- 47C (3)
- 47D (4)
- 57000 (1)
- 621 (1)
- 7000 (12)
- 8M (1)
- 9000 (14)
- AML24 (60)
- AML26 (26)
- AS (4)
- B (94)
- C (9)
- CA (29)
- CG (3)
- CL (2)
- CM (6)
- CN (4)
- CR (4)
- CWT (3)
- D (53)
- DA (7)
- DM (7)
- E (54)
- F (2)
- Gemini AE (1)
- GRB (8)
- HB (2)
- IndicON™ (6)
- JA (1)
- JW (46)
- KD (1)
- KG (1)
- KR (1)
- KS (1)
- KT (1)
- LW (106)
- M (336)
- M2 (47)
- M2100 (40)
- MLW (106)
- MML24 (5)
- MRS (1)
- P (17)
- PRA (10)
- PRB (3)
- PRC (12)
- PRD (3)
- R (5)
- R1966 (21)
- R4 (4)
- R5 (5)
- R7 (1)
- RA1, LAMB (5)
- RA1066 (4)
- RA4, LAMB (4)
- RB1, LAMB (5)
- RB2, LAMB (5)
- RBW2 (2)
- RE1, LAMB (2)
- RH (2)
- RK8000 (2)
- RR1, LAMB (1)
- RR3130 (5)
- RR3402 (1)
- RR3405 (2)
- RRA, LAMB (2)
- RSC, LAMB (1)
- RVW, LAMB (5)
- S (1)
- SR (2)
- SRL (2)
- SRN (2)
- ST (19)
- SW (11)
- SW, COMAX (2)
- TIG (1)
- TP (29)
- TRD (20)
- WB2, LAMB (3)
- WP (1)
- WR (18)
- YR (1)
- Part Status :
- Operating Temperature :
- -10°C ~ 50°C (106)
- -10°C ~ 55°C (14)
- -10°C ~ 70°C (11)
- -10°C ~ 85°C (17)
- -20°C ~ 105°C (93)
- -20°C ~ 125°C (3)
- -20°C ~ 50°C (106)
- -20°C ~ 55°C (19)
- -20°C ~ 65°C (22)
- -20°C ~ 70°C (4)
- -20°C ~ 80°C (28)
- -20°C ~ 85°C (68)
- -25°C ~ 70°C (67)
- -25°C ~ 85°C (24)
- -30°C ~ 65°C (112)
- -30°C ~ 85°C (622)
- -40°C ~ 85°C (21)
- -54°C ~ 71°C (29)
- 0°C ~ 55°C (1)
- 0°C ~ 65°C (8)
- 0°C ~ 85°C (5)
- Ingress Protection :
- Dust Proof (55)
- IP42 (2)
- IP54 - Dust Protected, Water Resistant (7)
- IP55 - Dust Protected, Water Resistant (3)
- IP56 - Dust Protected, Water Resistant (6)
- IP65 - Dust Tight, Water Resistant (3)
- IP66 - Dust Tight, Water Resistant (14)
- IP67 - Dust Tight, Waterproof (38)
- IP68 - Dust Tight, Waterproof (4)
- Features :
- 3 Switches (1)
- Diode Protection for LED (5)
- Epoxy Sealed Terminals (665)
- Guard (7)
- Low Temperature Lubricant (4)
- Polarized (19)
- Polarized, Terminal Barriers (4)
- Positive Detent (40)
- Process Sealed (45)
- Sealed (28)
- Sealed - Flux Protection (54)
- Sealing Boot (2)
- Terminal Barriers (35)
- Two-Tone Rocker (8)
- White and Red False Illuminator (6)
- With Lamp Covers (13)
- Termination Style :
- IWTS (3)
- PC Pin (422)
- Quick Connect - 0.062" (1.5mm) (41)
- Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) (16)
- Quick Connect - 0.187" (4.7mm) (134)
- Quick Connect - 0.250" (6.3mm) (166)
- Screw Terminal (41)
- Solder Lug (541)
- Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) (85)
- Solder, Quick Connect - 0.187" (4.7mm) (21)
- Solder, Quick Connect - 0.250" (6.3mm) (6)
- Wire Leads (3)
- Wire Wrap (7)
- Current Rating :
- 100mA (AC/DC) (30)
- 10A (AC) (99)
- 10A (AC), 6A (DC) (100)
- 10A (AC/DC) (10)
- 11A (AC) (3)
- 12A (AC) (3)
- 13A (AC) (12)
- 15A (AC) (96)
- 15A (AC/DC) (14)
- 16A (AC) (131)
- 16A (AC), 10A (DC) (2)
- 16A (AC), 15A (DC) (7)
- 16A (AC), 21A (DC) (2)
- 1A (AC) (5)
- 20A (AC) (44)
- 20A (AC), 21A (DC) (4)
- 20A (AC/DC) (4)
- 2A (AC) (1)
- 30A (AC/DC) (6)
- 3A (AC) (23)
- 3A (AC), 2A (DC) (56)
- 3A (AC/DC) (9)
- 4A (AC) (28)
- 500mA (AC/DC) (2)
- 5A (AC) (5)
- 5A (AC), 3A (DC) (102)
- 5A (AC), 4A (DC) (1)
- 5A (AC/DC) (48)
- 6A (AC) (39)
- 6A (AC), 3A (DC) (40)
- 6A (AC), 4A (DC) (367)
- 6A (AC), 7A (DC) (18)
- 6A (AC/DC) (111)
- 7.5A (AC/DC) (46)
- 7A (AC) (3)
- 8A (AC) (15)
- Panel Cutout Dimensions :
- Circular - 11.90mm Dia (20)
- Circular - 12.20mm Dia (1)
- Circular - 15.00mm Dia (1)
- Circular - 18.00mm Dia (2)
- Circular - 18.20mm Dia (8)
- Circular - 20.00mm Dia (3)
- Circular - 20.20mm Dia (4)
- Circular - 22.00mm Dia (3)
- Rectangular - 12.70mm x 12.40mm (9)
- Rectangular - 15.00mm x 12.50mm (5)
- Rectangular - 15.24mm x 12.70mm (29)
- Rectangular - 15.24mm x 13.00mm (11)
- Rectangular - 15.90mm x 12.50mm (57)
- Rectangular - 15.90mm x 13.00mm (2)
- Rectangular - 15.90mm x 13.10mm (68)
- Rectangular - 17.00mm x 10.00mm (2)
- Rectangular - 17.80mm x 10.10mm (46)
- Rectangular - 17.96mm x 10.62mm (6)
- Rectangular - 18.40mm x 15.90mm (14)
- Rectangular - 18.65mm x 8.90mm (4)
- Rectangular - 18.70mm x 15.90mm (17)
- Rectangular - 18.70mm x 16.70mm (70)
- Rectangular - 19.05mm x 10.41mm (3)
- Rectangular - 19.10mm x 12.90mm (1)
- Rectangular - 19.20mm x 11.91mm (10)
- Rectangular - 19.20mm x 12.90mm (76)
- Rectangular - 19.20mm x 13.00mm (14)
- Rectangular - 19.20mm x 6.80mm (3)
- Rectangular - 19.40mm x 13.00mm (29)
- Rectangular - 19.40mm x 13.10mm (5)
- Rectangular - 19.41mm x 12.90mm (2)
- Rectangular - 22.00mm x 19.20mm (4)
- Rectangular - 22.53mm x 19.20mm (23)
- Rectangular - 24.00mm x 15.40mm (22)
- Rectangular - 25.00mm x 15.40mm (6)
- Rectangular - 27.13mm x 19.20mm (4)
- Rectangular - 27.20mm x 22.15mm (6)
- Rectangular - 27.23mm x 12.19mm (6)
- Rectangular - 27.60mm x 13.80mm (3)
- Rectangular - 27.60mm x 25.40mm (3)
- Rectangular - 27.80mm x 13.80mm (3)
- Rectangular - 27.81mm x 16.46mm (4)
- Rectangular - 28.20mm x 10.67mm (15)
- Rectangular - 28.20mm x 22.00mm (14)
- Rectangular - 28.50mm x 12.10mm (1)
- Rectangular - 28.50mm x 16.00mm (35)
- Rectangular - 28.58mm x 13.97mm (42)
- Rectangular - 28.58mm x 25.40mm (5)
- Rectangular - 28.60mm x 13.59mm (2)
- Rectangular - 28.60mm x 13.90mm (1)
- Rectangular - 28.80mm x 14.00mm (2)
- Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm (86)
- Rectangular - 29.50mm x 20.50mm (16)
- Rectangular - 30.00mm x 11.00mm (7)
- Rectangular - 30.00mm x 22.00mm (19)
- Rectangular - 30.00mm x 22.20mm (5)
- Rectangular - 30.00mm x 22.30mm (2)
- Rectangular - 30.10mm x 11.10mm (4)
- Rectangular - 30.40mm x 11.20mm (6)
- Rectangular - 30.40mm x 22.20mm (4)
- Rectangular - 30.70mm x 20.50mm (2)
- Rectangular - 30.99mm x 17.15mm (10)
- Rectangular - 32.00mm x 19.80mm (106)
- Rectangular - 34.20mm x 17.20mm (12)
- Rectangular - 36.60mm x 21.20mm (17)
- Rectangular - 36.80mm x 15.20mm (1)
- Rectangular - 36.80mm x 15.30mm (1)
- Rectangular - 36.80mm x 21.00mm (5)
- Rectangular - 36.83mm x 20.82mm (4)
- Rectangular - 36.83mm x 21.08mm (1)
- Rectangular - 37.00mm x 21.10mm (1)
- Rectangular - 38.40mm x 23.90mm (21)
- Square - 13.50mm² (1)
- Square - 19.20mm² (36)
- Actuator Type :
- Actuator Arm, Cap Required (117)
- Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated (70)
- Concave (Curved) (401)
- Concave (Curved) - Illuminated (97)
- Concave (Standard V) (437)
- Concave (Standard V) - Illuminated (140)
- Convex (Reverse V) (3)
- Flat (5)
- Flat - Illuminated (3)
- Oval (2)
- Paddle (131)
- Paddle - Illuminated (57)
- Round (15)
- Sculptured - Illuminated (6)
- Illumination Voltage (Nominal) :
- 1.7, 2 VDC (2)
- 1.85 VDC (5)
- 1.9 VDC (8)
- 1.9, 2.1 VDC (4)
- 1.9, 2VDC (4)
- 110 VAC (19)
- 12 VAC (58)
- 12 VDC (2)
- 125 VAC (5)
- 14 VAC (11)
- 15 VDC (7)
- 18 VAC (5)
- 2 VDC (19)
- 2.0, 2.1 VDC (4)
- 2.0, 2.2 VDC (3)
- 2.0, 2.25 VDC (11)
- 2.1 VDC (28)
- 2.1, 2.25 VDC (2)
- 2.2 VDC (10)
- 2.4 VDC (4)
- 2.8 VDC (25)
- 24 VAC (33)
- 24 VDC (12)
- 28 VAC (52)
- 5 VDC (4)
- 6 VAC (19)
- Circuit :
- Color - Actuator/Cap :
- Bisque (1)
- Black (747)
- Black, Blue (1)
- Black, Green (1)
- Black, Orange (1)
- Black, Red (5)
- Black, White (1)
- Blue (19)
- Brown (5)
- Clear (13)
- Clear (Amber Filter/Diffuser) (2)
- Clear (Amber, Green Filter/Diffuser) (2)
- Clear (Amber, Red Filter/Diffuser) (1)
- Clear (Amber, White Filter/Diffuser) (1)
- Clear (Blue Filter/Diffuser) (3)
- Clear (Blue, Green Filter/Diffuser) (4)
- Clear (Blue, Red Filter/Diffuser) (1)
- Clear (Green Filter/Diffuser) (4)
- Clear (Green, White Filter/Diffuser) (2)
- Clear (Green, Yellow Filter/Diffuser) (4)
- Clear (Red Filter/Diffuser) (6)
- Clear (Red, Green Filter/Diffuser) (21)
- Clear (Red, White Filter/Diffuser) (4)
- Clear (Red, Yellow Filter/Diffuser) (1)
- Clear (White Filter/Diffuser) (3)
- Clear (White, Yellow Filter/Diffuser) (1)
- Clear (Yellow Filter/Diffuser) (1)
- Gray (31)
- Gray, Dark (1)
- Green (37)
- Ivory (7)
- Orange (6)
- Red (168)
- White (158)
- White (Amber Filter/Diffuser) (1)
- White (Amber, Red Filter/Diffuser) (2)
- White (Blue, Green Filter/Diffuser) (2)
- White (Blue, Red Filter/Diffuser) (2)
- White (Green Filter/Diffuser) (2)
- White (Green, White Filter/Diffuser) (1)
- White (Red Filter/Diffuser) (1)
- White (Red, Green Filter/Diffuser) (7)
- White (Red, White Filter/Diffuser) (1)
- White (White Filter/Diffuser) (2)
- Yellow (14)
- Illumination Type, Color :
- Fluorescent, Green (1)
- Incandescent (44)
- Incandescent, Amber (5)
- Incandescent, Amber/Green (3)
- Incandescent, Amber/Red (2)
- Incandescent, Amber/White (1)
- Incandescent, Blue (11)
- Incandescent, Blue/Green (5)
- Incandescent, Blue/Red (3)
- Incandescent, Green (22)
- Incandescent, Green/White (3)
- Incandescent, Green/Yellow (3)
- Incandescent, Orange (5)
- Incandescent, Red (23)
- Incandescent, Red/Green (27)
- Incandescent, Red/White (4)
- Incandescent, White (26)
- Incandescent, White/Yellow (1)
- Incandescent, Yellow (5)
- LED, Green (41)
- LED, Green/Green (1)
- LED, Green/Yellow (8)
- LED, Red (46)
- LED, Red/Green (32)
- LED, Red/Red (1)
- LED, Red/Yellow (5)
- LED, Yellow (21)
- Neon, Amber/Red (1)
- Neon, Blue/Green (1)
- Neon, Green (1)
- Neon, Green/Yellow (1)
- Neon, Red (12)
- Neon, Red/Green (4)
- Neon, Red/White (1)
- Neon, Red/Yellow (1)
- Neon, Yellow (1)
- Applied Filters :
1486 products
IMAGE | PART NO. | PRICE | QUANTITY | STOCK | MANUFACTURE | DESCRIPTION | Series | Part Status | Packaging | Operating Temperature | Ingress Protection | Mounting Type | Features | Termination Style | Current Rating | Voltage Rating - AC | Voltage Rating - DC | Panel Cutout Dimensions | Actuator Type | Illumination Voltage (Nominal) | Circuit | Switch Function | Color - Actuator/Cap | Illumination Type, Color | Actuator Marking | |
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER DPDT 3A 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 14 VAC | DPDT | On-On | - | Incandescent | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER DPDT 3A 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 14 VAC | DPDT | On-On | - | Incandescent | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 100MA 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | PC Pin | 100mA (AC/DC) | 125V | 125V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | - | SPDT | On-On | - | Incandescent | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 100MA 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 100mA (AC/DC) | 125V | 125V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 14 VAC | SPDT | On-On | - | Incandescent | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 100MA 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 100mA (AC/DC) | 125V | 125V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 14 VAC | SPDT | On-On | - | Incandescent | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 3A 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | PC Pin | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 6 VAC | SPDT | On-On | - | Incandescent | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 3A 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | PC Pin | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 28 VAC | SPDT | On-On | - | Incandescent | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 3A 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 6 VAC | SPDT | On-On | - | Incandescent | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 3A 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 6 VAC | SPDT | On-On | - | Incandescent | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 3A 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 14 VAC | SPDT | On-On | - | Incandescent | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 1A 125V | MML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Through Hole | - | PC Pin | 1A (AC) | 125V | - | - | Concave (Standard V) | - | SPDT | On-On | Black | - | No Marking | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 1A 125V | MML24 | Active | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | Solder Lug | 1A (AC) | 125V | - | - | Concave (Standard V) | - | SPDT | On-On | Black | - | No Marking | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER DPDT 1A 125V | MML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Through Hole | - | PC Pin | 1A (AC) | 125V | - | - | Concave (Standard V) | - | DPDT | On-On | Red | - | No Marking | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER DPDT 1A 125V | MML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Through Hole | - | PC Pin | 1A (AC) | 125V | - | - | Concave (Standard V) | - | DPDT | On-On | Black | - | No Marking | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER DPDT 1A 125V | MML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Through Hole | - | PC Pin | 1A (AC) | 125V | - | - | Concave (Curved) - Illuminated | - | DPDT | On-On | Black | LED, Green | No Marking | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 3A 125V | AML26 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | Diode Protection for LED | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 15 VDC | SPDT | On-On | - | LED, Red/Green | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER DPDT 3A 125V | AML26 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 24 VDC | DPDT | On-On | - | LED, Yellow | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER DPDT 3A 125V | AML26 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 24 VDC | DPDT | On-On | - | LED, Green | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER DPDT 3A 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 6 VAC | DPDT | On-On | - | Incandescent | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER DPDT 100MA 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | PC Pin | 100mA (AC/DC) | 125V | 125V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | - | DPDT | On-On | - | Incandescent | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 3A 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | PC Pin | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 28 VAC | SPDT | On-On | - | Incandescent | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 100MA 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | PC Pin | 100mA (AC/DC) | 125V | 125V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 14 VAC | SPDT | On-On | - | Incandescent | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER DPDT 100MA 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | PC Pin | 100mA (AC/DC) | 125V | 125V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required | - | DPDT | On-On | - | - | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER DPDT 3A 125V | AML24 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | PC Pin | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required | - | DPDT | On-On | - | - | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER DPDT 3A 125V | AML26 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | Diode Protection for LED | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 24 VDC | DPDT | On-On | - | LED, Red/Green | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 100MA 125V | AML26 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | Diode Protection for LED | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 100mA (AC/DC) | 125V | 125V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 24 VDC | SPDT | On-On | - | LED, Green/Yellow | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 3A 125V | AML26 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | PC Pin | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 15 VDC | SPDT | On-On | - | LED, Red/Green | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER DPDT 100MA 125V | AML26 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | Diode Protection for LED | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 100mA (AC/DC) | 125V | 125V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 5 VDC | DPDT | On-On | - | LED, Red/Green | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 3A 125V | AML26 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 5 VDC | SPDT | On-On | - | LED, Green/Yellow | Varies by Cap | |||
Ships today + free overnight shipping
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions | SWITCH ROCKER SPDT 3A 125V | AML26 | Obsolete | Bulk | - | - | Panel Mount, Snap-In | - | Solder, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) | 3A (AC), 2A (DC) | 125V | 24V | Rectangular - 28.98mm x 19.05mm | Actuator Arm, Cap Required - Illuminated | 24 VDC | SPDT | On-On | - | LED, Yellow | Varies by Cap |